density ratio

英 [ˈdensəti ˈreɪʃiəʊ] 美 [ˈdensəti ˈreɪʃioʊ]




  1. Volume is also fundamental to quality assurance, as the size of the software product is the denominator for the defect density ratio.
  2. If dark energy density decreased over time, the acceleration rate of universal expansion would decline and potentially cease if the pressure/ density ratio reached-1/ 3.
  3. The effect of density ratio on suction surface and leading edge is more evident.
  4. Higher density ratio could generate larger film cooling coverage.
  5. We suggest that better control effect of the lady beetles on cotton aphids might be gaind by regulating their density ratio.
  6. Strain Energy Density Ratio Criterion for Fracture of Bulk Amorphous Alloys
  7. Further 6 sintering tests were carried out and certificated the correctness of the thermodynamics analysis. The best sintering process parameter is concluded through relationships between process parameters and bulk density, nitrogen remaining rate, strength/ density ratio.
  8. The effect of the density ratio has also been considered.
  9. The RLL ( 4,13) code with low hardware complexity and high density ratio is fit for high density optical storage systems.
  10. The optimal area ratio is singly related with friction loss coefficient, and it is not related to the density ratio of fluids.
  11. Cumulative incidence ratio ( CIR), incidence density ratio ( IDR) and incidence odds ratio ( IOR) can be calculated respectively in cohort study according to various study designs.
  12. The concept of signal-to-noise ratio and the signal-to-noise density ratio, and the impact of RFI on GPS reception are described and analyzed. The method of directly detecting RFI and locating the source of RFI is also introduced.
  13. The friction loss factor and the density ratio had a significant influence on the back pressure sensitivity.
  14. It is also shown that the density ratio of CO_2 salt water solution to salt water is not influenced by pressure, but increases with the concentration of CO_2 and decreases with temperature.
  15. Effect of Initial Disturbance and Density Ratio on the Generation of Solitary Waves in a Three-layer Fluid System
  16. The test showed that the splitting tensile strength, elastic modulus and apparent density increase with the increasing amounts of crushed stone. The property of concrete made from 80% crushed stone and 20% expanded shale meet the highest compressed strength and strength to density ratio.
  17. The antigen corresponding to problem was analyzed described with immune algorithm based on evolution of antigen, to create initial antibody crowd, and to calculate density ratio and breed rate value of antibody, and to gain the best antibody on time measure.
  18. In this paper, based on the random characteristic analysis of Tianjin Hospital Earthquake waves of Tangshan aftershock Three dimension acceleration power spectral density ratio have been presented.
  19. The ultimate constant Ic of cavitation erosion was discussed by comparing the calculated result with Brown method. It was known that the theoretical value of Ic should be 1. 0 and the effect of density ratio on cavitation characteristics was analyzed.
  20. The coaxial cross jets flow field with two different angles of cross jets and four density ratios has been investigated with Dual PDA. The results show that the angle of cross jet and density ratio have important influence on the flow field.
  21. The equivalent velocity agrees well with experimental data. This method can be used to describe the effect of angle of cross jets and density ratio on axis velocity of fully developed jet flow.
  22. The solid-fluid density ratio and the pore scale parameter are introduced to simplify the coefficients in Biot equation. These coefficients are easy to estimated and have definite physical meaning.
  23. The solution is valid for arbitrary values of density ratio across the free interface and Froude number.
  24. The relationship between the density ratio of sintered bodies and temperature was investigated by SEM and Archimedean method.
  25. The effects of parameters such as the gas compressibility 、 the liquid viscosity 、 surface tension 、 density ratio, and velocity ratio, have been considered.
  26. Parametric studies show that the axial elastic modulus of the composites increases with increasing the linear density ratio of axial yarn to braider yarns and pitch length.
  27. Because of the large density ratio of water and air, the water surface can be considered as a free surface without the force from the air.
  28. The effects on band gaps of density ratio, stiffness ratio, lattice constant, and thickness of pipelines and so on are discussed.
  29. BAP and phosphate decreased with plant density ratio increasing and increased with of shear stress enhance.
  30. The effects of the density ratio and the depth ratio on the exciting force are discussed.